One Day In One Year with Jerry Won
One Day In One Year with Jerry Won
077 - Adjusted Format Introduction by Host Jerry Won
It's been 16 days since I last uploaded an episode here on One Day In One Year.
Given all that's going on, I wanted to pause and reassess the format of the show and now I feel it's time again to start sharing new episodes with you.
We're still sticking to the themes of gratitude, lessons, and giving. I'll be asking each of our guests, some new and some returning:
1. Who are you most grateful for right now?
2. What have you learned or re-learned going through these challenging times?
3. How, in your own way and however you can, are you helping others?
And I am moving away from the 3:56 time limit as I want these stories to be more free flowing and authentic.
If you'd like to join us for the show, apply to be on the show at bit.ly/odioy2020
Thank you,
Jerry Won